If I Am Going To Be Anything I Am Going To Be Useful - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast # 664
My good friend invented a really cool product during this pandemic to help out.
It's an attachment that goes on most standard faucets and blinks to help remind you how long to clean your hands (20 seconds). Visual cues help change habits.
I have a special code to get 20% off.
Go to www.sinkblink20.com and when you put in your order put in the promo code: strong20
Oh and if you know any decision-makers in schools, medical facilities, businesses, or anyone who would get great use out of this...then get in touch with me and I'll get you in touch with the inventor himself to get you what you need, or send them to the site to use the code.
Today's podcast is a replay that I did either in late 2017 or earlier 2018. It was with a conversation I had with a friend of mine who gave his son a job to do in earning his weekly allowance.
His son asked what does it entail, and my friend said to his son...it requires being useful.
And so I bring up the question of how are you being useful in your life, to others, and to the world.
So join me, and let's find ways to be more awake and useful in the manner that we truly wish to be.
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Thanks for listening. I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,