Great Things Are Ahead For Me & I Deserve Them #701 Affirmation
Are you struggling with a disaster that has gripped your heart, soul, and mind and you feel you can’t get out of your suffering loop?
What if you could instantly go from extreme sadness and suffering to peace, calm, and clarity?
In this podcast I talk about a specific tragedy I go through and how I am using this affirmation to break the pattern of anxiety, fear, worry, self doubt, and all the other negative emotions that are trying to grip at every fiber of my being.
And maybe you have been here before where someone dies, you go through a hard break up or divorce, you lose your job, maybe you aren’t sure how you are going to pay all your bills and put food on the table.
Being in these spots suck, they are draining, and they can steal your life force—thus keeping you from getting out of the suffering loop/blackhole you have found yourself in. However, if you would like a way to help you through these times—to interrupt the pattern of extreme suffering to instant clarity—then this podcast is for you.