I Am Constantly Evolving - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast # 661

Living a great life begins with evolving. Not evolution is created equal. Just because you are evolving, it doesn’t mean you are getting better.

One major killer of positive self-awaress and growth is the idea of BLAMING.

I know how tempting it is to put the power into outside things or into other people. It’s tempting to give the power up because then we don’t have to take responsibility for the moment; we don’t have to make the harder choices of asking, “how do I move forward in difficult and seemingly unfair times and EVOLVE through this instead of allowing it to break or destroy me?”

Take a listen to this podcast and learn how to share your power instead of giving it away and learn how to rid your blaming so you can evolve into the person you desire to be.


I Share The Energy I Want To See - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast # 662


I Attract What I Want Easily - Strong WIthin Affirmation Podcast # 660