My Fears Are A Mirror Of My Potential Strong Within Affirmation Podcast #656

I was watching the movie Heart Beats Loud with Nick Offerman and Kiersey Clemmons, where one character says to another… “you have to be brave before you can be good.”

It was one of those quotes that shatters you. It makes you drop everything and get lost in the deepness of it, and I had to rewind it to hear it again a few times so I could sit with those words. I wanted my heart and mind to feel it rather than just process it and move one. I wanted to not just know it, I wanted to understand it.

And sitting with those words for a few minutes, it reminded me that you will be good, and that I will be good, but first we must be brave. First, we must be willing to step forward when we’re unsure how—even if it’s only one step today, and only one step tomorrow. Because it may not seem like a lot right now, but the smallest steps will become big leaps when you look back a year from now, when you look back ten years from now…and instead of wondering what if, you looked back and said thank God I was brave enough to be “bad” first, that I was brave enough to be unrefined and rough first…so I could learn how to be good.


I Am Favored To Win - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast # 658


I Can Change ANY Situation Strong Within Affirmation Podcast #655