I Am Favored To Win - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast # 658

I have bought into the lie that the shortcut is better, that the shortcut is easier, that the shortcut will give me all the answers.

But if I am honest with myself, the hack, the shortcut, or the easiest way wasn’t the best way. And maybe easy isn’t the best word to use because I think we make things more complicated than it has to be. Robert Frost said it so eloquently when he said, “the only way out…is through.”

And so we use words like you MUST be disciplined, you MUST be diligent, you MUST be consistent…and I believe those are great things to be, but those words are crude representations of what will motivate us…or truly get us to the goal without using aggressive force.

Because that’s what they are…they are forcing words. You are telling your subconscious essentially that you must fight yourself instead of flow with yourself; that you must fight the moment instead of being one with the moment.

In this podcast, let me help you think differently about the easy way versus a better way.


I Hold Onto Only What Heals Me - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast #657


My Fears Are A Mirror Of My Potential Strong Within Affirmation Podcast #656