I Respect And Love The Journey My Body Has Taken To Get Me Here- Strong Within Podcast

Excerpt from the podcast:
My old patterns and thoughts had gone from being annoyed to where I thought my body had turned a corner to something bad, and instead, I shifted my emotions and mindset to being in love and feeling good about what my body has done for me already to get me to this exact point. I had taken it for granted not remembering all the hard moments it has gotten me through to have me be at this exact moment in life.

And by doing that, by taking that small shift from being annoyed and changing into appreciation, I knew I was healing myself instead of beating myself up from the inside out mentally, emotionally, and physically.


I Inhabit My Habits - Strong Within Affirmation Podcast


I Stopped Focusing On My Past So I Can Focus On My Present- Strong Within Affirmation Podcast